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#1 2024-02-23 08:07:48

Inscription : 2024-02-23
Messages : 1

Does sex make you sleepy?

Yes, having sex may cause feelings of relaxation and tiredness in a lot of individuals.Engaging in sexual activity causes the release of many hormones, including endorphins and oxytocin. Called the "love hormone" or "bonding hormone," oxytocin encourages calm and a sense of connection. Endorphins have a calming effect and naturally improve mood.

Engaging in sexual activity may include physical strain, which might make you feel exhausted. Feelings of relaxation and fatigue might be attributed to the physical exertion and stress release that come with having sex.A feeling of satisfaction and relaxation may be experienced by some people during the post-orgasmic state. Feelings of drowsiness may be influenced by the physiological changes that take place during and after an orgasm, such as muscular relaxation and a drop in excitement.

Research has shown that engaging in sexual activity lowers stress and enhances wellbeing. Reducing stress levels may facilitate people's ability to decompress and enter a more peaceful, sleep-promoting state.

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