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#1 2024-05-31 11:44:20

Inscription : 2024-05-31
Messages : 1

Do ALPHAGAN eye drops make you sleepy?

Hi everyone,

I've recently been prescribed ALPHAGAN (brimonidine tartrate) eye drops to manage my glaucoma. While they've been effective in reducing my intraocular pressure, I've noticed that I've been feeling unusually sleepy during the day since I started using them.

I did some research and found that drowsiness is listed as a potential side effect, but I'm curious to hear from others who have used Alphagan P Eye Drops. Have any of you experienced increased sleepiness or fatigue after using these eye drops? If so, how have you managed this side effect?

Any insights or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Dernière modification par adamsj (2024-05-31 11:47:05)

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